Bagi teman-teman yang ingin melanjutkan penelitian atau berniat membahas materi ini, semoga Allah menunjukkan kemudahan dalam pelaksanaannya.
- The Application of Grammar Practice Activities in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method to Improve The Grammar Ability of The First Year Student at SMU Negeri 3 Makassar (Ulfiati Arsyad)
- The Influence of Peer Response in Writing Process to Improve Students Writing Ability : A Case Study at The Tenth Grade of United English Forum (UEF) Makassar (Marzuki)
- Using Parallel Writing Technique Through Song to Improve The Writing Ability of The Second Semester Student of English Language and Literature Department of Adab Faculty of Alauddin Makassar (Ibrahim Manda)
- The Application of Dictoyloss Teaching Strategy in Improving The Students English Achievement of The Second Year Students of SMA 3 Makassar (Mustakim)
- Improving the Reading Comprehension of The Second Semester Students of PIKIH Program of UIN Alauddin Makassar (Wahyuni Arif)
- The Application of Graphic Organizer Method in Improving Reading Comprehension of SMA Negeri 3 Makassar (Nirwana)
- The Use of First Language Acquesition Approach to Teach in Speaking in Improving The Students Proficiency of PIKIH Program UIN Makassar (Hasanuddin)
- The Effectiveness of Self Assessment Techniques in Improving Students English Speaking Proficiency at PIKIH Program of UIN Alauddin Makassar (Ahmad Hidayat)
- The Effectiveness of English Comp. Program in Increasing The Second Year Student Interest in Learning English of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Reok in Nusa Tenggara Timur (Ema Ulfa Jihadah)
- The Effectiveness of Imaginative Reading Materials in Improving Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students of SMP 2 Arungkeke Jeneponto (Al-Sumarni)
- Using Schema Activation Strategy to Increase the Second Year Students Reading Comprehension at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar (Asirah)
- Developing the Students Ability in Writing Paragraph Through Quick writing at The Third Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa (Supriadi L.)
- The effectiveness of The Aesthetic Realism Method in Improving Reading Skill at The Fourth Class at the Elementary School 141 Tuppu Kec. Lembang Kab. Pinrang (Nursia Umar)
- Improving The Student Ability in Mastering Vocabulary Trough Word wish Game at The Fourth Year Student of Romang Polong Gowa (Islamiyah)
- Improving Students Reading Comprehension Through Reading, Encoding, Annotiating, Pondering (REAP Technique) (A study at The Second Year Students of MA Madani Pao-Pao (Zevilia Rosita)
- The Effectiveness of Word Analogies in Improving the English Vocabulary Mastery of The Second Year Students of SMA 1 Bontomarannu (Said Mulyadi)
- Teaching Vocabulary Through Riddles to The Second Year Students of MAN Suli Kab. Luwu (Nurhaerah)
- The Application of Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) Technique to Develop Students Vocabulary at The Second Year Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi Enrekang (Hariani)
- Developing The Sixth Student Vocabulary Through Human Learning System of Private Primary School of Kampung Baru of Polman Regency (Sudarlam)
- The Effectiveness of Based Problem Learning Strategy in Improving Students Speaking Skill at The Third Year Students of MA Bukit Hidayah Islamic Boarding School of Malino (Syafruddin Ishak)
- Application of Exposition Strategy in Improving The Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students of SMU Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa Gowa (Sunarti Pridayani)
- Improving The Students Ability To Translate Texts Book Through Sentence Component Identivication (Muh. Ikhsan)
- Using Skills Circuits to Improve The English Vocabulary Achievement of The Second Year Student at The MTs. Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar (Nurfaridah Budiman
- Using Directed Reading Activity Strategy to Improve The Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students of SMP Aisyiah Sungguminasa (Sukmawati)
- The Roles of Args Model in Improving Students Motivation in Learning English Study at The Second Year Students of MTs. Pesantren Istiqomah Salumakarra Kec. Bupon Kab. Luwu (Nurwati)
- Improving The Second Year Students Vocabulary of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Madani Pao-Pao by Using Preview in Context (Rini Apri Susanti)
- The Use of Guided Writing Procedures in Improving The English Writing Proficiency of The Second Year Student of SMA 1 Campalagian Polman Regency (Nasruddin)
- Improving The Students Writing Ability Through The Circle Game at Muhammadiyah Sinjai (Yasni Siswani Syam)
- The Effectiveness of English Technique As a Local Content at Elementary School (Study in Kec. Pitu Riawa Kab. Sidrap Academic Year 2007/ 2008 ) (Satrina)
- The Casual Factors of The Third Year Students Difficulty in Learning Speaking at MTsN. 1 Wawotobi (Nirsan Yaningsih)
- The Application of Directed Activities Redacted To Text (DADT) Method in Improving The Reading Comprehensions Ability of The Third Year Students of SMP 3 Ulilalau Soppeng Regency (Alimin)
- The Effectiveness of Using English Song in Improving The Students Ability in Writing An Essay At The Second Year of SMAN 1 Bupon Kab. Luwu (Risqa)
- The Use of Dictoglass To Increase The Students Speaking Achievement At The Third Year Students of SMP Negeri 1 Mattiro Sompe Kab. Pinrang (Anwar Arifin)
- Study of The Effectiveness of Martessari Method in Kindergarten in Developing Students Skill (Besse Winda)
- Sing Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition Method to Improve Students Vocabulary Mastery at The Second Year Students of SLTP Negeri 2 Pinrang (Rahmiati)
- The Correlation Between The Students Learning Styles And Paragraph Organization Style at The English Education Department of UIN (Ahmad)
- Motivating the Students With Disruptine Behavior in Learning English Through Brain Based Learning Method in Grade XI of SMA 14 Makassar (Resty Amaliah Sayuti)
- Analyzing the Item Feasibility of English Test Used At SMA Negeri 9 Makassar (Khadijah Saenong)
- Improving The First Year Students Achievement Through Recitation Techniques At MTs. DDI Majene (Mardiah)
- Reducing Students Anxiety to Speak English Through Tense – Free Class Environment (A Study of The Third Year Students of MAN 1 Sinjai Utara, Sinjai) (Sudarmi)
- Improving the Second Year Student English Speaking Ability Through Self Talk Strategy at MA Perguruan Islam Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa Gowa (Muhammad)
- The Implementation of Porto Polio Assessment in English Learning of SMUN 1 Pare-Pare (Zulkarnaen Sultan)
- The Use of Start Simple Stories (SSS) Extensive Reading Method to Make The English Reading Learning Effective at The Second Year Students of MAN Model Makassar (Sutrismi)
- Applying Top Down Processing Strategy in Improving Students Listening Comprehension at The Second Year of MA Islamic Boarding School Bone Regency (Muh. Fadli Mangenre)
- Improving Students Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students of MAN 2 Pare-Pare Through PSQSR (Tina Hastuti)
- Improving The Students English Achievement Through Four by Four Thematic System at Grade XII of SMA Negeri 1 Bantaeng (A. Nunung Bakhtiar)
- Improving The Second Year Students Listening Comprehension Skill Through The Application of JIGSAW Techniques at MAN 1 Makassar (Kartikawati)
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning on Students Vocabulary Achievement Through The Application of Number Head Together to The Second Year Students at SMP 1 Bontotiro Bulukumba (Sri Andayani Lestari)
- The Correlation Between The Students Prior Knowledge and Their Writing Achievement of The Third Year Student of MA Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao (Mardiana)
- The Responses of Students and Readmes if Teachers For Developing of English Teaching System in KTSP Curriculum DDI Baruga (Rahmat)
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