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Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

0 Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Bagi teman-teman yang ingin melanjutkan penelitian atau berniat membahas materi ini, semoga Allah menunjukkan kemudahan dalam pelaksanaannya.
  1. The Application of Grammar Practice Activities in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method to Improve The Grammar Ability of The First Year Student at SMU Negeri 3 Makassar (Ulfiati Arsyad)
  2. The Influence of Peer Response in Writing Process to Improve Students Writing Ability : A Case Study at The Tenth Grade of United English Forum (UEF) Makassar (Marzuki)
  3. Using Parallel Writing Technique Through Song to Improve The Writing Ability of The Second Semester Student of English Language and Literature Department of Adab Faculty of Alauddin Makassar (Ibrahim Manda)
  4. The Application of Dictoyloss Teaching Strategy in Improving The Students English Achievement of The Second Year Students of SMA 3 Makassar (Mustakim)
  5. Improving the Reading Comprehension of The Second Semester Students of PIKIH Program of UIN Alauddin Makassar (Wahyuni Arif)
  6. The Application of Graphic Organizer Method in Improving Reading Comprehension of SMA Negeri 3 Makassar (Nirwana)
  7. The Use of First Language Acquesition Approach to Teach in Speaking in Improving The Students Proficiency of PIKIH Program UIN Makassar (Hasanuddin)
  8. The Effectiveness of Self Assessment Techniques in Improving Students English Speaking Proficiency at PIKIH Program of UIN Alauddin Makassar (Ahmad Hidayat)
  9. The Effectiveness of English Comp. Program in Increasing The Second Year Student Interest in Learning English of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Reok in Nusa Tenggara Timur (Ema Ulfa Jihadah)
  10. The Effectiveness of Imaginative Reading Materials in Improving Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students of SMP 2 Arungkeke Jeneponto (Al-Sumarni)
  11. Using Schema Activation Strategy to Increase the Second Year Students Reading Comprehension at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar (Asirah)
  12. Developing the Students Ability in Writing Paragraph Through Quick writing at The Third Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa (Supriadi L.)
  13. The effectiveness of The Aesthetic Realism Method in Improving Reading Skill at The Fourth Class at the Elementary School 141 Tuppu Kec. Lembang Kab. Pinrang (Nursia Umar)
  14. Improving The Student Ability in Mastering Vocabulary Trough Word wish Game at The Fourth Year Student of Romang Polong Gowa (Islamiyah)
  15. Improving Students Reading Comprehension Through Reading, Encoding, Annotiating, Pondering (REAP Technique) (A study at The Second Year Students of MA Madani Pao-Pao (Zevilia Rosita)
  16. The Effectiveness of Word Analogies in Improving the English Vocabulary Mastery of The Second Year Students of SMA 1 Bontomarannu (Said Mulyadi)
  17. Teaching Vocabulary Through Riddles to The Second Year Students of MAN Suli Kab. Luwu (Nurhaerah)
  18. The Application of Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) Technique to Develop Students Vocabulary at The Second Year Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi Enrekang (Hariani)
  19. Developing The Sixth Student Vocabulary Through Human Learning System of Private Primary School of Kampung Baru of Polman Regency (Sudarlam)
  20. The Effectiveness of Based Problem Learning Strategy in Improving Students Speaking Skill at The Third Year Students of MA Bukit Hidayah Islamic Boarding School of Malino (Syafruddin Ishak)
  21. Application of Exposition Strategy in Improving The Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students of SMU Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa Gowa (Sunarti Pridayani)
  22. Improving The Students Ability To Translate Texts Book Through Sentence Component Identivication (Muh. Ikhsan)
  23. Using Skills Circuits to Improve The English Vocabulary Achievement of The Second Year Student at The MTs. Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar (Nurfaridah Budiman
  24. Using Directed Reading Activity Strategy to Improve The Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students of SMP Aisyiah Sungguminasa (Sukmawati)
  25. The Roles of Args Model in Improving Students Motivation in Learning English Study at The Second Year Students of MTs. Pesantren Istiqomah Salumakarra Kec. Bupon Kab. Luwu (Nurwati)
  26. Improving The Second Year Students Vocabulary of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Madani Pao-Pao by Using Preview in Context (Rini Apri Susanti)
  27. The Use of Guided Writing Procedures in Improving The English Writing Proficiency of The Second Year Student of SMA 1 Campalagian Polman Regency (Nasruddin)
  28. Improving The Students Writing Ability Through The Circle Game at Muhammadiyah Sinjai (Yasni Siswani Syam)
  29. The Effectiveness of English Technique As a Local Content at Elementary School (Study in Kec. Pitu Riawa Kab. Sidrap Academic Year 2007/ 2008 ) (Satrina)
  30. The Casual Factors of The Third Year Students Difficulty in Learning Speaking at MTsN. 1 Wawotobi (Nirsan Yaningsih)
  31. The Application of Directed Activities Redacted To Text (DADT) Method in Improving The Reading Comprehensions Ability of The Third Year Students of SMP 3 Ulilalau Soppeng Regency (Alimin)
  32. The Effectiveness of Using English Song in Improving The Students Ability in Writing An Essay At The Second Year of SMAN 1 Bupon Kab. Luwu (Risqa)
  33. The Use of Dictoglass To Increase The Students Speaking Achievement At The Third Year Students of SMP Negeri 1 Mattiro Sompe Kab. Pinrang (Anwar Arifin)
  34. Study of The Effectiveness of Martessari Method in Kindergarten in Developing Students Skill (Besse Winda)
  35. Sing Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition Method to Improve Students Vocabulary Mastery at The Second Year Students of SLTP Negeri 2 Pinrang (Rahmiati)
  36. The Correlation Between The Students Learning Styles And Paragraph Organization Style at The English Education Department of UIN (Ahmad)
  37. Motivating the Students With Disruptine Behavior in Learning English Through Brain Based Learning Method in Grade XI of SMA 14 Makassar (Resty Amaliah Sayuti)
  38. Analyzing the Item Feasibility of English Test Used At SMA Negeri 9 Makassar (Khadijah Saenong)
  39. Improving The First Year Students Achievement Through Recitation Techniques At MTs. DDI Majene (Mardiah)
  40. Reducing Students Anxiety to Speak English Through Tense – Free Class Environment (A Study of The Third Year Students of MAN 1 Sinjai Utara, Sinjai) (Sudarmi)
  41. Improving the Second Year Student English Speaking Ability Through Self Talk Strategy at MA Perguruan Islam Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa Gowa (Muhammad)
  42. The Implementation of Porto Polio Assessment in English Learning of SMUN 1 Pare-Pare (Zulkarnaen Sultan)
  43. The Use of Start Simple Stories (SSS) Extensive Reading Method to Make The English Reading Learning Effective at The Second Year Students of MAN Model Makassar (Sutrismi)
  44. Applying Top Down Processing Strategy in Improving Students Listening Comprehension at The Second Year of MA Islamic Boarding School Bone Regency (Muh. Fadli Mangenre)
  45. Improving Students Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students of MAN 2 Pare-Pare Through PSQSR (Tina Hastuti)
  46. Improving The Students English Achievement Through Four by Four Thematic System at Grade XII of SMA Negeri 1 Bantaeng (A. Nunung Bakhtiar)
  47. Improving The Second Year Students Listening Comprehension Skill Through The Application of JIGSAW Techniques at MAN 1 Makassar (Kartikawati)
  48. The Effect of Cooperative Learning on Students Vocabulary Achievement Through The Application of Number Head Together to The Second Year Students at SMP 1 Bontotiro Bulukumba (Sri Andayani Lestari)
  49. The Correlation Between The Students Prior Knowledge and Their Writing Achievement of The Third Year Student of MA Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao (Mardiana)
  50. The Responses of Students and Readmes if Teachers For Developing of English Teaching System in KTSP Curriculum DDI Baruga (Rahmat)

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